
Please click on the publications below to get exclusive access to the highlights of Prof. dr. Van der Wal’s oeuvre. You can get direct access here to all his journal publications without needing a library subscription to the journal. Visit Zeger’s researchgate profile to get access to some of his book chapters and research reports as well.


Van der Wal, Z. & A. Mussagulova (2023). Developing public service motivation in the non-Western world. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration 45 (3): 244-247.


Virani, A., & Z. Van der Wal (2023). Enhancing the Effectiveness of Public Sector Performance Regimes. A Proposed Causal Model for Aligning Governance Design with Performance Logics. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance 6 (1): 54-65.


George, B. & Z. Van der Wal (2023). Does Performance-Related-Pay Work? A Meta-Analysis of Public Administration Evidence. Policy Design and Practice 6 (3): 299-312.


Mussagulova, A. & Z. Van der Wal (2022). Public Service Motivation: Global Knowledge, Regional Perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration 44 (3): 191-194.


Demircioglu, M.A. & Z. Van der Wal (2022). Leadership and Innovation: What’s the Story? The Relationship between Leadership Support Level and Innovation Target. Public Management Review 24 (8): 1289-1311.


Nair, S., El-Taliawi, O.G. & Z. Van der Wal (2021). Public Policy Schools in the Global South: A Mapping and Analysis of the Emerging Landscape. Policy Sciences 54: 371-395.


Mussagulova, A. & Z. Van der Wal (2021). “All Still Quiet on the Non-Western Front?” Public Service Motivation Scholarship in Non-Western Contexts: 2015-2020. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration 43 (1): 23-46.


Haque, S.M., Van der Wal, Z. and Van den Berg, C. (2021). Comparative Studies in Public Administration Intellectual Challenges and Alternative Perspectives Public Administration Review 81 (2): 344-348.


Van der Wal, Z., Van den Berg, C. and S.M. Haque (2021). Comparative Public Administration in a Globalized World. Moving Beyond Standard Assumptions to Increased Understanding. Public Administration Review 81 (2): 295-298.


Van der Wal, Z., A. Mussagulova & C.A. Chen  (2021). Path Dependent Public Servants. Comparing the Influence of Traditions on Administrative Behaviour in Developing Asia. Public Administration Review 81 (2): 308-20.


Van der Wal, Z. (2020). Being a Public Manager in Times of Crisis. The Art of Managing Stakeholders, Political Masters, and Collaborative Networks. Public Administration Review 80 (5): 759-764.


Z. Van der Wal & M.A. Demircioglu (2020). Public Sector Innovation in the Asia Pacific –Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities. Australian Journal of Public Administration 79 (3): 271-278.


Z. Van der Wal & M.A. Demircioglu (2020). More Ethical, More Innovative? The Effects of Ethical Culture and Ethical Leadership on Realized Innovation. Australian Journal of Public Administration 79 (3): 386-404.


Van der Wal, Z. & Mussagulova, A. (2020). Are Asian Public Affairs Students Different? Comparing Job Sector Attitudes and Sector Preference Between Public Affairs Students at an Asian and Dutch University. Journal of Public Affairs Education 26 (2): 150-170.


Mussagulova, A. & Van der Wal, Z. (2019). Reforming while maintaining job security: a good idea? The case of the Kazakhstani public service. Policy Design and Practice 4 (2): 400-417.


Mussagulova, A., Van der Wal, Z. & Chen, C.A. (2019). What’s Wrong with Job Security? Public Administration and Development 39 (3): 121-132.


El-Taliawi, O.G. & Z. Van der Wal (2019). Developing Administrative Capacity. An Agenda for Research and Practice. Policy Design and Practice 2 (3): 243-257.


Bloemen, P., Van der Steen, M. & Z. Van der Wal (2019). Thinking a Century Ahead. Effective Anticipatory Policy Design in the Dutch Delta. Policy and Society 38 (1): 58-76.


Reynaers, A.M. & Z. Van der Wal (2017). Do Partners in PPPs view Public and Private Management Differently? Re-examining Boyne’s Hypotheses in the Context of Collaboration. Australian Journal of Public Administration. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8500.12254. SSCI PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2016 IF: 1.072 (30/47)


De Graaf, G. & Z. Van der Wal (2017). Without Blinders. Public Values Scholarship in Economics, Law, and Political Science: Content and Contribution to Public Administration. Public Integrity 19 (3): 196–218.


Van der Wal, Z. (2017). Ethos Reinforced, Government Endorsed? Comparing Pre-Entry and Post-Entry Values, Motivations, Sector Perceptions, and Career Preferences of MPA Students in Asia. Journal of Public Affairs Education 23 (4): 935-958


Van der Wal, Z. (2017). Future Business and Government Leaders of Asia. How do They Differ and What Makes Them Tick?
 Journal of Business Ethics 142 (3): 603-616. SSCI BUSINESS 2016 IF: 2.354 (53/121)


Van der Wal, Z. (2017). Small Countries, Big Performers. In search of shared strategic Public Sector HRM Strategies in Successful Small Countries. International Journal of Public Administration. 40 (5): 443-458.


Van der Wal, Z. (2016). Public Values Research in the 21st Century. Where we are, where we haven’t been, and where we should go. 
International Journal of Public Administration. 39 (1): 1-5.


Van der Wal, Z., Graycar, A. & K. Kelly (2016). See no Evil, Hear no Evil? Assessing Corruption Risk Perceptions and Strategies of Victorian Public Bodies. Australian Journal of Public Administration 75 (1): 3-17. SSCI PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2016 IF: 1.072 (30/47)


Van Steden, R., Van der Wal, Z. & K.M. Lasthuizen (2015). Overlapping Values, Mutual Prejudices. Empirical research into the ethos of police officers and private security guards. Administration & Society 47 (3): 220-243. SSCI PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2016 IF: 1.092 (29/47)


Van der Wal, Z. (2015). “All Quiet on the Non-Western Front?” A Systematic Review of Public Service Motivation Scholarship in Non-Western Contexts. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration 37 (2): 69-86.


Van der Wal, Z., & L. Yang (2015). Confucius meets Weber or “Managerialism takes all”? Comparing Civil Servant Values in China and the Netherlands. International Public Management Journal 18 (3): 411-436. SSCI PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2016 IF: 1.723 (15/47)


Van der Wal, Z. , T. Nabatchi & G. de Graaf (2015). From Galaxy to Universe? A Cross-Disciplinary Review and Analysis of Public Values Publications From 1969 to 2012. American Review of Public Administration 45 (1): 13-28. SSCI PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2016 IF: 1.438 (22/47)


Van der Wal, Z. (2014). Elite Ethics. Comparing Public Values Prioritization between Administrative Elites and Political Elites.
International Journal of Public Administration 37 (14): 1030-1043.


Yang, L. & Van der Wal , Z. (2014). Rule of Morality vs. Rule of Law? An Exploratory Survey Study of Civil Servant Values in China and the Netherlands. Public Integrity 16 (2): 187-206.


Perry, J.L., De Graaf, G., Van der Wal, Z. & C. Van Montfort (2014). Returning to our Roots: “Good Government” evolves to “Good Governance”. Public Administration Review 74 (1): 27-28. SSCI PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2016 IF: 3.473 (2/47)


Van der Wal, Z. (2013). Mandarins vs. Machiavellians? On Differences Between Work Motivations of Political and Administrative Elites. Public Administration Review 73 (5): 749-759. SSCI PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2016 IF: 3.473 (2/47)


Van der Wal, Z. & A. Oosterbaan (2013). Government or Business? Identifying determinants of MPA and MBA students’ career preferences. Public Personnel Management 42 (2): 239-258. SSCI PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2016 IF: 0.981 (32/47)


Jelovac, D., Van der Wal, Z. & A. Jelovac (2011). Business and Government Ethics in the ‘New’ and ‘Old’ EU. An Empirical Account of Public-Private Value Congruence in Slovenia and the Netherlands. Journal of Business Ethics 103 (1): 127-141. SSCI BUSINESS 2016 IF: 2.354 (53/121)


Van der Wal, Z. (2011). The Content and Context of Organizational Ethics. Public Administration 89 (2): 644-660. SSCI PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2016 IF: 2.959 (5/47)


Van der Wal, Z., G. de Graaf & A. Lawton (2011). Competing Values in Public Management. Introduction to the Symposium Issue. Public Management Review 13 (3): 331-341. SSCI PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2016 IF: 2.293 (9/47)


De Graaf, G. & Z. Van der Wal (2010). Managing Conflicting Public Values. Governing with Integrity and Effectiveness. American Review of Public Administration 40 (6): 623-630. SSCI PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2016 IF: 1.438 (22/47)


Van Thiel, S. & Z. Van der Wal (2010). Birds of a Feather? The Effect of Organizational Value Congruence on the Relationship between Ministries and Quangos. Public Organization Review 10 (4): 377-397.


Van der Wal, Z. & E.J.Th. van Hout (2009). Is Public Value Pluralism Paramount? The Intrinsic Hybridity and Multiplicity of Public Values. International Journal of Public Administration 32 (3): 220-231.


De Graaf, G. & Z. Van der Wal (2008-9). Introduction: The Need for Methodological Rigor and Diversity in Administrative Ethics Research Methods. Public Integrity 11 (1): 5-8.


Van der Wal, Z., A. Pevkur & K. Vrangbaek (2008). Public Sector Value Congruence among Old and New EU Member-states? Empirical evidence from the Netherlands, Denmark and Estonia. Public Integrity 10 (4): 313-29.


Van der Wal, Z. & L.W.J.C. Huberts (2008). Value Solidity in Government and Business. Results of an Empirical Study on Public and Private Sector Organizational Values. American Review of Public Administration 38 (3): 264-285. SSCI PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2016 IF: 1.438 (22/47)


De Graaf, G. & Z. Van der Wal (2008). On Value Differences Experienced by Sector Switchers. Administration & Society 40 (1): 79-103. SSCI PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2016 IF: 1.092 (29/47)


Van der Wal, Z., G. de Graaf & K. Lasthuizen (2008). What’s Valued Most? A comparative empirical study on the differences and similarities between the organizational values of the public and private sector. Public Administration 86 (2): 465-482. SSCI PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2016 IF: 2.959 (5/47)


Van der Wal, Z. & G. de Graaf (2006-7). The bureaucrat, the Businessperson, and the Perception of Each Other’s Values. Empirical Notions on the Other Sector’s Most Important Organizational Values. Public Integrity 9 (1): 45-62.


Van der Wal, Z., L.W.J.C. Huberts, J.H.J. van den Heuvel & E.W. Kolthoff (2006). Central Values of Government and Business: differences, similarities, and conflicts. Public Administration Quarterly 30 (3): 314-364.